Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I wish I could show you some of my first scrapbook pages.  They were hilarious!  I didn't have any idea of what I was doing or how to do it.  I just knew it looked like a lot of fun. 
Imagine knowing nothing about scrapbooking and someone tells you to start cutting up your pictures!  I wasn't about to cut up my pictures, heck I didn't even want to put glue on them for fear they would be ruined. 
A couple of years later I made a second attempt at scrapbooking and found out that cutting up my pictures was actually a lot of fun.  It was like a release of some sort.  I cut and pasted and found more and more ways to be creative.  Now of course, I am addicted!   I can't wait to share some of my layouts and ideas with all of you!
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