Unique and unusual scrapbook materials
It is easy to go through your local scrapbooking supply store and purchase items to add to your pages but if you are looking to save money and make your scrapbooks unique and different at the same time just look around your home! Use some of the leftover yarn you made your daughters sweater from to attach a tag on the page showing her wearing the sweater. Use pieces of wire and buttons you have left over to create unique designs. Get out all of those souvenir pamplets you collected at vacation and cut out pictures to use (I always grab two or three just for this purpose) for the backgrounds. Paint your own soda bottle caps if you like that look. You can also paint and use little stamps on popsicle sticks for embellishment. Take some time to just look around and be creative. You can save a lot of money by making your own embellishments! Powered By Qumana |
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